Saturday, October 16, 2010

Site Tour for Projects

What am amazing day! I went on a site tour for all of the projects that I’ll be working with around town. The main project is called NPOESS. The work to be done involves replacing a large piece of an existing satellite antenna at one hill, building a new satellite antenna at second hill site, preparing for building at a third hill site and running cable up to a fourth hill site. The amazing views of McMurdo from these vantage points are incredible! One of the hill sites has three wind turbine generators that are being used for nearby Scott Base. Scott Base is a New Zealand research station and is a few miles outside of McMurdo Station. There is a new ice pier being built at McMurdo for the fuel and cargo ship off load. The ice runway is fairly close to town.  I hope to have some photos available soon. The internet use here is very slow and I am limited as to what I can upload. So I might only be able to post once a week. Cheers!

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