Monday, October 18, 2010

Aviation At McMurdo

 One of the things I really enjoy at McMurdo is watching the flights land and take off. I am an aviation fan and am always looking outside whenever I hear a plane or helicopter. This is a photo of the two baslers out on the ice runway. They are converted DC-3 planes that have no hydraulic lines for maneuverablility and can therefore be used at South Pole in colder conditions than the C-130 planes. The minimum temp for landing a Basler is -55 degrees F.
 Here is a photo of a C-17 at the ice runway with the basler planes off to the right. I got to watch from my work office the C-17 take off from the ice runway and then bank to the left as it headed off to Christchurch.

Here is a photo of the C-17 with a loader taking out the cargo. The C-17 always keeps its engines running while passengers and cargo are off loaded. They have workers who make sure the passengers stay well away from the engines as they depart.

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