Sunday, October 24, 2010

Interview with Aerospace Engineer - Colleen Higgins

Aerospace Engineer Colleen Higgins is a co-worker.

What is your work position title? Senior Systems Engineer, McMurdo Multimission Communications System Lead

When did you decide you wanted to be an engineer? I wanted to have a job in science since I was little; marine biology, astronomy, you name it.  My Dad is an engineer and worked in the aerospace industry and was very science oriented so I was exposed to all sorts of interesting things from a young age.  However, I did not know I wanted to be an engineer until I started applying to college my senior year in high school.  It shocked both me and my Dad!

What kind of things did you like to do growing up that you think influenced your decision to go into engineering?  As I mentioned, I showed an interest at a young age because of the exposure I received so my parents would take me places that could grow my interest from the zoo and aquariaum, to the Boeing Museum of Flight, to air shows in Canada, to the Science Center in Seattle.  A lot of our family activities centered around subjects that were technical in nature.  We also spent a lot of time at historical sites, which is also important in engineering to know where you have come from to help you know where to go.

What kind of work do you do in Antarctica?  I work on the next generation environmental satellite system that will downlink data to McMurdo Station before sending the data to the US.  I am on the team to install the antenna as well as processing equipment to support those capabilities.

What would you say to anyone thinking about going into engineering?  It's really hard work with a really big payoff.

What school did you go to and how long did it take you to get your degree?  I went to the University of Colorado, Boulder and received a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering.  It took me 6 years total to receive both degrees.

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