Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Every Day Life At McMurdo

 The Galley is where meals are served. It is cafeteria style.

Waste Mananagement is very important in Antarctica. All waste needs to be sorted and shipped back to the United States for processing. After each meal each person scrapes leftover food into the bin for Food and puts paper napkins in the paper towel bin.

 This is the area where I work. I mostly have a desk job. There are times when I need to go out about town to check different sites.

This is a photo of the inside of the store near the Galley. It is open most times that the Galley is open. Snacks, souvenier items and toiletries are for sale here. There is also a library of CDs, VHS tapes and DVDs for borrowing.

This is another photo of the Galley. Meals are served for a couple hours for breakfast, lunch, dinner and mid-rats. Mid-rats is short for Midnight Rations which is a special meal for the night crew.

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