Saturday, December 25, 2010

HIking Hut Trail

Diving Hut

The ice is really melting and the diving huts were all taken off of the ice a few weeks ago before the ice got too thin for heavy vehicles to travel on. You can see the tow bar on the right of me. It attaches to a vehicle which then tows it off of the ice and to the storage area which is on the way to Hut Point.

Ice Pier
The ice pier has lots of water around it now, mostly from the two run offs coming off the hills.

 Water Run Off
The snow on the hills are really melting and lots of water is flowing down toward the pier

 Santa on the Whale Sculpture
Holiday decoration on the way to Hut Point.

 Hut Point - Vince's Cross
This location is at the end of Hut Point.

 Seal Resting on Ice
There is now room for seals to come up out of the water to rest. This is not too far from where the underwater observation tube was located.

 Skua at Rest
While hiking we saw three skuas flying and one landed here. We think it may be the nest.

 Water and Ice Along Hut Point
Here you can see how the ice has melted and the bright blue water is getting wider.

This is a view of Hut Point from above. We are still on the trail.
It was a beautiful day for a hike. More pictures later.

If you have any questions you can email me at

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